Okay, first today, it was the Brits, now it's the Canadians. What the heck? Anyways, here we go:
We all know what a JumboTron is, right? It's been the saving grace of those stuck in the 'nosebleed' sections of the stadiums, for years, now. Thanks to Ad Dispatch, that same screen, which provides replays, score overlays, and "kiss cams", can now bring it's audience participation to the next level: Augmented Reality in the Stadium.
Now, everyone can (potentially) be a Cheesehead. or other hardcore fan, without the odd stares in traffic. I can imagine this same technology used in concerts and 'professional' wrestling, as well.
Go, and see.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Coming to a Jumbotron near you. (Blame Canada)
Gime a break! Kit Kat Scouting for Girls.
You know, I really got to think about moving...to the U.K. They're positively hammering the rest of the world, in terms of embracing augmented reality. My latest proof? Kit Kat . No, not the U.S. Kit Kat, oh no. That would be too easy for me to get a hold of. The U.K. Kit Kat has an upcoming promotion featuring ar tagging on it's product that, when played, features a cool little music video by Scouting for Girls, a British pop band.
My opinion? Positively brilliant. Great use of marketing, brand awareness, and "hip-and-now" savvy. Did you know that Kit Kat has been around sine the 1930's? (as Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp )? Now, they've got AR, too.
Those Brits are making me jealous. Maybe we shouldn't have had that Revolution.
Go, and see.
My opinion? Positively brilliant. Great use of marketing, brand awareness, and "hip-and-now" savvy. Did you know that Kit Kat has been around sine the 1930's? (as Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp )? Now, they've got AR, too.
Those Brits are making me jealous. Maybe we shouldn't have had that Revolution.
Go, and see.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The potential to revive "dead" media.
Well, we've all heard that "print media is dead/dying", right? A disposable print medium will never keep up with the insta-click updated internet, right? Perhaps not. Take this video, for instance, from Kompas, one of Indonesia's largest newspapers.
"A newspaper?" you ask? "That's so 20th century". But wait! Recently, Kompas began distributing on the iPad, as well. Paperless newpapers. We'll see plenty of that.
But, ever so often, I've heard "reading digital isn't *the same* as holding wood pulp fiber in your hands. True, enough, but what if your "newspaper" was nothing *but* augmented? Blank pages filled with QR codes, ARtags, ect, that are "hot linked" to the distributor's daily issue, or *past issues*. "One paper, to read them all" kind of thing. Instead of buying new paper, every day. You buy a single, heavy-duty "paper". More often than not, news agencies that distribute print also have a web presence. Why not link the two?
The one drawback to this, at the moment, is the lack of affordable HMD's. You can't very well read your newspaper while holding your smartphone, right? Just imagine, for a moment if you will, the above issue of Kompas, while wearing a pair of Vuzix Wrap 920AR's. That might be the game changer. Media producers could minimize their overhead, environmental impact could be reduced, and you could carry the Boston Globe, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ect, ect, in one "paper", that you never have to "forget" on the commuter rail.
"A newspaper?" you ask? "That's so 20th century". But wait! Recently, Kompas began distributing on the iPad, as well. Paperless newpapers. We'll see plenty of that.
But, ever so often, I've heard "reading digital isn't *the same* as holding wood pulp fiber in your hands. True, enough, but what if your "newspaper" was nothing *but* augmented? Blank pages filled with QR codes, ARtags, ect, that are "hot linked" to the distributor's daily issue, or *past issues*. "One paper, to read them all" kind of thing. Instead of buying new paper, every day. You buy a single, heavy-duty "paper". More often than not, news agencies that distribute print also have a web presence. Why not link the two?
The one drawback to this, at the moment, is the lack of affordable HMD's. You can't very well read your newspaper while holding your smartphone, right? Just imagine, for a moment if you will, the above issue of Kompas, while wearing a pair of Vuzix Wrap 920AR's. That might be the game changer. Media producers could minimize their overhead, environmental impact could be reduced, and you could carry the Boston Globe, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ect, ect, in one "paper", that you never have to "forget" on the commuter rail.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Augmented reality. Better the flowers?
The people at Elipse have unveiled their new ad for their augmented reality t-shirts. (Yup, "AR as fashion", again) . Check out this video, from their YouTube channel) , and tell me what you think.
Like it? Okay, maybe not the ad, itself, but the product? I know I'd like one. You can customize your own, now, at their website, augmentedrealitytshirt.com . Also, be sure to check out their primary web page for other ar-related products.
Go, and see.
Like it? Okay, maybe not the ad, itself, but the product? I know I'd like one. You can customize your own, now, at their website, augmentedrealitytshirt.com . Also, be sure to check out their primary web page for other ar-related products.
Go, and see.
Art, and the vision to apply it, Tensai.
I've been waiting for this one to be available, because I wanted you to see it. My friend Rodrigo just emailed me, to let me know "It's time". Rodrigo is the co-founder of Tensai, a service offering web design and, (since they're listed here), augmented reality. I've always been a fan of the entrepreneur, and the Team at Tensai has come up with some really relevant ideas.
The one that really impressed me is one of the most practical, and "do-able now" ideas. One of those "why didn't I think of that?" moments. Check out this video, and tell me this wouldn't be something every video store owner should have at their stores:
Go, and see.
The one that really impressed me is one of the most practical, and "do-able now" ideas. One of those "why didn't I think of that?" moments. Check out this video, and tell me this wouldn't be something every video store owner should have at their stores:
This idea would have saved me many a bad rental, (and encouraged a few good ones).
This needs to be done, and the Team at Tensai can do it.
You can check out the video at their YouTube page, or just go visit them directly at ARTensai. Available in English and Espanol.So, go check out Tensai, and show them a little love., (and tell them AutumnalDusk sent you).
My best regards to Rodrigo and Team, for their future, and the future of augmented reality.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
i Spy , with my little eye..Spyglass 3.0
Happymagenta has announced Spyglass 3.0 available for download at the app store.

In this update :Optimized for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPad Wi-Fi + 3G* (iOS 4.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x), Gyroscope aided compass and improved motion dampening
For those not familiar with the app, here's a demo video (ver 2.2):
As apps like this get more and more refined, there's gonna be less need for a "standalone' gps system.
Go, and see (where you're looking)

In this update :Optimized for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPad Wi-Fi + 3G* (iOS 4.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x), Gyroscope aided compass and improved motion dampening
For those not familiar with the app, here's a demo video (ver 2.2):
As apps like this get more and more refined, there's gonna be less need for a "standalone' gps system.
Go, and see (where you're looking)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Medical Practice. "Put your back into it" with AR.
"Doctors only practice medicine, because nobody's got it perfect, yet". Okay, maybe that's not *totally* accurate, but you get the idea. Say you need to go in for invasive surgery, you want to make sure the guy (or girl) 'with the knife' knows what they're doing, right? Well, a surgeon has to get practice *somewhere*, and nobody I know wants to be the test dummy.
Fortunately, Haptica, has a spinal surgery simulator, using augmented reality. Think of it as a *really* high tech version of the old classic game "Operation" Unlike a simple video game, this gives the operator a physical sense, as well as visual feedback, in which to hone their skills.
Not that I'd ever want spinal surgery, but if I did, instead of asking "Where did you go to med school?", I could ask "What's your high score on Haptica?"
Unlike the current "question" (asked by Mike Elgan) "Is augmented reality just a cheap gimmick?", this example is solid proof that AR can be practical, useful, (and not require facial recognition), in the here-and-now.
Go, and see.
Fortunately, Haptica, has a spinal surgery simulator, using augmented reality. Think of it as a *really* high tech version of the old classic game "Operation" Unlike a simple video game, this gives the operator a physical sense, as well as visual feedback, in which to hone their skills.
Not that I'd ever want spinal surgery, but if I did, instead of asking "Where did you go to med school?", I could ask "What's your high score on Haptica?"
Unlike the current "question" (asked by Mike Elgan) "Is augmented reality just a cheap gimmick?", this example is solid proof that AR can be practical, useful, (and not require facial recognition), in the here-and-now.
Go, and see.
Be all that you can (augmentedly) be. US Army AR.
The United States Armed Forces have been creative in enticing young potential recruits to sign up. Not an easy task, considering the ongoing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army has been particularly agressive in targeting the video game demographic, using game simulators to "educate and inform" potential recruits of the excitement and flag-waving patriotism of serving in the military. (As a former Marine, I can take a "been there, done that" attitude). I wonder if they'll come up with a "Stand Inspection" simulator, or a "it's time for Field Day!".or at least a multiplayer game of "March in Formation". (I hear the Navy might get a "scrape and paint" simulator...just kidding.
Any potential political landmines aside, let's look at the Army's current offering: Augmented NASCAR, in it's "Race For Strength Challenge" where you can download, print, and "drive" the #39 Ryan Newman car.In partnership with Total Immersion. AT the irl venues, you can try your hand at simulated combat vehicles.
This is also part of the 'mobile market tour', being given by both the US Army and US Air Force.
Semper Fi. Marines play "augmented Reality" with paintball guns.
Go, and "see, all that you can see".
Any potential political landmines aside, let's look at the Army's current offering: Augmented NASCAR, in it's "Race For Strength Challenge" where you can download, print, and "drive" the #39 Ryan Newman car.In partnership with Total Immersion. AT the irl venues, you can try your hand at simulated combat vehicles.
This is also part of the 'mobile market tour', being given by both the US Army and US Air Force.
A shot from within the Air Force's Command Center Alpha,
Go, and "see, all that you can see".
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My iQ just exploded...augmentedly.
The Toyota iQ, (also known, in various configurations, as the Scion iQ, ), is a uber-cute little "smartcar". While we're not a "car blog", we *are* an "AR blog", and aside from the slick iQ feature (be sure to 'click to discover more') on the Toyota site, there is also an AR app to 'take this little beauty for a test spin'. (Gee, I sound like I should be wearing a plaid jacket, and a bad toupee).
It's a fun, (and free) way to play around with AR in the "here and now". As for actually driving an iQ? Well, let's just say I'm tempted. Great salesmanship at work.
Go, and see.
It's a fun, (and free) way to play around with AR in the "here and now". As for actually driving an iQ? Well, let's just say I'm tempted. Great salesmanship at work.
Go, and see.
Invizimals-Move over Pokemon.
Now out for the Sony PSP, (For Europe and Australia), a monster collector game that makes Pokemon look "so last year". Invizimals uses your PSP camera , equipped with a Go!Cam, you can hunt , trap, and battle creatures in Augmented Reality. (Who says you need a smartphone to experience AR?)
Sony isn't new at AR, either. Remember Eye of Judgment? "Oh yeah...that game!" High quality is a Sony tradition, imo, and it seems to hold true here, as well.
Check out this Gamespot video. Sure, the interviewee is awkward, but the video gives you a really good feel for how the game flows..Expected NA release is Q3 2010 (in roughly 50 days).
I like the fact that good AR isn't being confined to "smartphones". Given the power, (and number) of PSP's out there, hooking the young gamers of today is seeding the AR-competent consumers of tomorrow. For as long as there's a market, the technology can only increase, and we all win.
Go, and see.
Sony isn't new at AR, either. Remember Eye of Judgment? "Oh yeah...that game!" High quality is a Sony tradition, imo, and it seems to hold true here, as well.
Check out this Gamespot video. Sure, the interviewee is awkward, but the video gives you a really good feel for how the game flows..Expected NA release is Q3 2010 (in roughly 50 days).
I like the fact that good AR isn't being confined to "smartphones". Given the power, (and number) of PSP's out there, hooking the young gamers of today is seeding the AR-competent consumers of tomorrow. For as long as there's a market, the technology can only increase, and we all win.
Go, and see.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pirata Boat Race
Ahoy, there! I loves me a good piratey-themed game, and this one looks fun. This one takes the augmented reality to an interesting place. First, you download the app to your iPhone/iPad, Then, you go to the game website, and sync your app to the game. To play, you utilize the accelerometers in your phone to "row" your way to viscory. Just think, your umpteen dollar iPhone/iPad can now act as a Wii remote!
Brought to you by piratalondon.com
I think this is a really creative way to use *all* the resources AR can bring to bear.
Go, and see.
Brought to you by piratalondon.com
I think this is a really creative way to use *all* the resources AR can bring to bear.
Sync your camera app to the pc screen ar tags. Genius!
Go, and see.
Visions of the future, in 3D
ImmesiveTech.org just posted this great video from Keiichi Matsuda, which was recently shown at the London's 3D festival. Why does the video look "off"? Because it's meant to be viewed in 3D, but you get the idea, even without stereoscopic projection, or those funky red-and-blue lenses.
Very reminiscent of the Domestic Robocop video, I had to laugh watching all the little adverts following the guy down the street. Reminded me heavily of Denno Coil. (At least they could be filtered, and don't contribute to global pollution)
imtech will be holding an immersive technology summit, 10-21-10. And while you're at it, be sure to check out some of their videos. Brain Candy stuff, there.
go, and see.
Very reminiscent of the Domestic Robocop video, I had to laugh watching all the little adverts following the guy down the street. Reminded me heavily of Denno Coil. (At least they could be filtered, and don't contribute to global pollution)
imtech will be holding an immersive technology summit, 10-21-10. And while you're at it, be sure to check out some of their videos. Brain Candy stuff, there.
go, and see.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Augmented Sexuality (SFW)
Title catch your interest? The fact that you're here proves the marketing department correct. *sigh* The "SFW" denotes "Safe For Work", not Shockwave Flash.
Augmented Reality is a visual medium, and more and more it's become a marketing medium. Since "sex sells", both the geeks and the marketing companies raise their cry in unison:"Let there be women!".
Let's face it: being physical creatures, it's only natural that "Human Nature" will permeate everything we do, and the same marketing that drove development of home video, the internet, and late-night "chat lines" will be present in every form of advertising from cave paintings to augmented reality. (And yes, companies like Pink Visual are working on it). Let's take a brief, (and SFW) look at what has been done. Your imagination will naturally "fill in the blanks".
Example 1: Lynx Mynx Magnet
A natural extension of technology brought to you by the "cheeky monkeys" at Lynx, (known for their funny and blatantly suggestive ads, known also by the "Axe" brand), these guys have social demographic targeting down to a near science. The above video is for the "Lynx Mynx Magnet" , where the "Lynx Mynx" denotes their user-voted models, from the "Lynx Lounge After Hours"
Example 2 : Virtual Suzi
"Gawd, I love women with British accents. Especially if they're in full leather. Especially, especially if they know geek tech" Yes, you can have Suzi Perry (presenter from The Gadget Show) in the palm of your hands...as if you wouldn't be eating out of hers, right? You can check her..uh, I mean 'the technology', out HERE.
Example 3:Playboy Magazine
Of course, the world's most famous magazine, (read globally "for the articles" ), would push the marketing envelope, right alongside Esquire, right?
Is this an exhaustive list? Certainly not. And the industry, as always, will push the technological envelope. There's more out there, and there will be ever more to come, unless Human Nature suddenly nullifies itself...and I doubt that's gonna happen.
Augmented Reality is a visual medium, and more and more it's become a marketing medium. Since "sex sells", both the geeks and the marketing companies raise their cry in unison:"Let there be women!".
Let's face it: being physical creatures, it's only natural that "Human Nature" will permeate everything we do, and the same marketing that drove development of home video, the internet, and late-night "chat lines" will be present in every form of advertising from cave paintings to augmented reality. (And yes, companies like Pink Visual are working on it). Let's take a brief, (and SFW) look at what has been done. Your imagination will naturally "fill in the blanks".
Example 1: Lynx Mynx Magnet
A natural extension of technology brought to you by the "cheeky monkeys" at Lynx, (known for their funny and blatantly suggestive ads, known also by the "Axe" brand), these guys have social demographic targeting down to a near science. The above video is for the "Lynx Mynx Magnet" , where the "Lynx Mynx" denotes their user-voted models, from the "Lynx Lounge After Hours"
Example 2 : Virtual Suzi
"Gawd, I love women with British accents. Especially if they're in full leather. Especially, especially if they know geek tech" Yes, you can have Suzi Perry (presenter from The Gadget Show) in the palm of your hands...as if you wouldn't be eating out of hers, right? You can check her..uh, I mean 'the technology', out HERE.
Example 3:Playboy Magazine
Of course, the world's most famous magazine, (read globally "for the articles" ), would push the marketing envelope, right alongside Esquire, right?
Is this an exhaustive list? Certainly not. And the industry, as always, will push the technological envelope. There's more out there, and there will be ever more to come, unless Human Nature suddenly nullifies itself...and I doubt that's gonna happen.
viZoo HD augmented Reality
Well, here's a neat video from the company, viZoo. Check out their video (below) and prepare to be impressed. With the combination of real world objects, and seamless virtual ones, the Flare 320 makes for a stunning visual.It's so slick and streamlined, you gotta wonder what makes this "magic box" tick?( hint: Think "smoke and mirrors") Sure, it *looks* like it might be a microwave, but it's High Definition makes you question what is real, and what is rendered..and that's High Art, in my opinion. When you watch it for the first time, see if you can distinguish the real from the augmented, before it becomes obvious.
The Green Hornet AR.
As part of the advertising release for the upcoming Columbia Pictures release "The Green Hornet", (based on the radio show from the 30's, and the 1966 movie, ), you can experience the "Black Beauty" (GH's version of the Batmobile), at it's own site: experienceblackbeauty.com . You first need to download, print and fold the marker, and let the games begin! With the marker you can watch the trailer, but that's not the fun stuff. The fun is rotating the marker to fire missles, flame throwers, and the Gatling Gun. Suh-weet!
The Marker, minus the marketing.
Let's fire up this bad-boy. Batmobile, move over.
Invisible concrete...well, sort of.
Wow, miss a few days (camping off the digital grid) and you miss a lot, So, I'll be playing a bit of 'catch up' for the next few posts. Here's a neat little art installation , utilizing the concepts of AR (without a HMD/Smartphone), designed by Daniel Franke and Markus Kison, called "Durchsehen Exp. 01 (augmented perspective)",
Using a facial-recognition camera that calculates the viewer's angle of perspective, it overlays images (including a "pass through" view, as if one were looking *through* the solid block). Nicely done work. Who would have thought that the first Terminator would be made of concrete?
Go, and see.
Using a facial-recognition camera that calculates the viewer's angle of perspective, it overlays images (including a "pass through" view, as if one were looking *through* the solid block). Nicely done work. Who would have thought that the first Terminator would be made of concrete?
Go, and see.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The future is wild..and so is the past.
While stumbling about to absorb as much as possible of consumer AR, I found some related stuff, some new, some "old", all of it augmented. Let's start with the new: The Future is Wild, originally a British tv series for Animal Planet, chronicling speculative anthroplogies/ zoologies of the future.. I've seen the show, and enjoyed it. What I hadn't seen was the AR that has sprung up since.. Augmented reality for education, in the form of a 'living book" and t-shirt.
And the futuroscope theme park, attraction: "Les Animaux du Futur" (this is in 2008 ):
Go, and see.
And the futuroscope theme park, attraction: "Les Animaux du Futur" (this is in 2008 ):
Go, and see.
AR Wave simulator and more
The below video is from Takehiro Tawara, a Ph.D. in computer science,with a background in computer visualization, using AR to conduct wave simulation.
I know this is for research, but my thought was "wow, that would be an awesomely soothing cubicle toy!"
And check out his video for Interactive Volume Segemntation, it strikes me as "MRI analysis of the future":
Go, and see.
I know this is for research, but my thought was "wow, that would be an awesomely soothing cubicle toy!"
Beats the heck out of a stress ball, I think.
And check out his video for Interactive Volume Segemntation, it strikes me as "MRI analysis of the future":
This is your brain. This is your brain on AR. Any questions?
Go, and see.
Friday, July 30, 2010
See a streak on facebook.
No, not *that* kind of streak. I mean, this isn't that kind of blog. The Dell Streak, a 5 inch screen Android smartphone, now has a facebook app that can let you see what one of these would look like, in your hot little hands. Since I have to see things, (and share them with you), here's the vid:
It's a simple ARTag, with basic ar. And it's on Facebook (Hey, speaking of good ol' FB, why not 'like' us on our Facebook Page, and get your updates, as they happen? ( /shameless plug))
So, what's the big deal about a 5 inch screen? Check out this Engadget review for more.And, this Cnet Phone Reviews video :
It's definitely a big <phone/tablet>?, But I don't think the AR element is used to it's full potential. Certainly not the kind of effort I'd expect from Dell. Maybe they're just testing the AR waters. Anyways, it's there, it's free, and now you know.
Go, and see.
It's a simple ARTag, with basic ar. And it's on Facebook (Hey, speaking of good ol' FB, why not 'like' us on our Facebook Page, and get your updates, as they happen? ( /shameless plug))
So, what's the big deal about a 5 inch screen? Check out this Engadget review for more.And, this Cnet Phone Reviews video :
It's definitely a big <phone/tablet>?, But I don't think the AR element is used to it's full potential. Certainly not the kind of effort I'd expect from Dell. Maybe they're just testing the AR waters. Anyways, it's there, it's free, and now you know.
Go, and see.
Monster Media & Limited Space- a powerful combo.
While many of us , (here in the USA) may not have heard of them, it seems the good folks in the U.K. (yeah, U.K...again with the augmentation) Monster Media and Limited Space have entered a partnership, promising an impressive array of visual options for heretofore empty wall spaces. "Out with the old, in with the bold."
Static pictures just do not do this advertising medium justice. Want your daily dose of "Wow!"? Check out the Monster Media Demo Reel: "Mum, I'm going to the mall, to play some games". "There's no arcade, there" "Don't need one, I'm gonna go play with the adverts." Static advertisers would KILL for this kind of ad attention. (Note the number of people who engage with the ads)
Monster Media, the global leader of out-of-home interactive advertising, has teamed up with Limited Space, the leading supplier of media in premium UK shopping malls, to rollout their interactive technology in premium malls across the UK.
These interactive "billboards" will transform Limited Spaces' network of giant digital sites into cutting edge dynamic displays that offer clients endless possibilities, such as: gestural interaction, multi-touch interaction, augmented reality and mobile phone interaction where your mobile actually controls the ad.
"We are thrilled to have a long-term, exclusive contract with Limited Space and are looking forward to placing our interactive technology in their malls throughout the UK," said David McKie, managing director of Monster Media UK. "Monster Media already has a strong presence in upscale malls throughout the globe and this new partnership is a natural and major step in our strategy to aggressively expand our presence throughout the UK."
McKie says they will be installing their one-of-a-kind engaging displays in the 15 flagship malls within the Limited Space network, including: The Bullring, The Metro Centre, Cabot Circus, Highcross and Bluewater.
"We were looking for an out-of-home partner that is constantly reinventing themselves and pushing the envelope, and that is what pulled us strongly towards Monster Media," said Matt Gordon, owner of Limited Space. "We are both the leaders in our respective fields and I have no doubt that this partnership will increase the effectiveness and success of both companies."
Recent Limited Space campaigns include: BMW, THQ, Paramount, P&G, Cadburys, Sega, Adidas, Peugeot, Orange and T-Mobile.
Monster Media's current client list includes: Microsoft, Nintendo, Warner Bros Films, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Coca-Cola, YouTube, Anheuser Busch, McDonalds, Kraft, CoverGirl and many more.
Monster Media's UK operation is based in Queens Park, London, but also has roots around the globe including: US, UK, Canada, Europe and South Africa.
About the company:
Monster Media remains the leader of advertising that responds to consumers' body movements and storefront domination programs. Their ability to deliver quality programs and customer service has allowed them to expand their presence across the globe with network applications including: storefront dominations, mass transit, airports, sport and entertainment venues and custom events. Since its inception in 2003, Monster Media has executed nearly 300 storefront ads globally and worked with clients such as HBO, Lexus, Target, Microsoft, MTV and Timberland to bring their messages to life. All campaigns are monitored and maintained around the clock by Monster Media. For more information on Monster Media, please go to: www.monstermedia.net.
Static pictures just do not do this advertising medium justice. Want your daily dose of "Wow!"? Check out the Monster Media Demo Reel: "Mum, I'm going to the mall, to play some games". "There's no arcade, there" "Don't need one, I'm gonna go play with the adverts." Static advertisers would KILL for this kind of ad attention. (Note the number of people who engage with the ads)
Coming soon to a mall near you...if you live in the U.K., that is.
"Curse you, U.K., and your crumpets, we have cookies!"
Press Release:
LONDON--(Marketwire - July 30, 2010) - Companies now have a better way to reach their target audience and engage consumers on a whole new level, due to a recent partnership agreement between two local media companies.Monster Media, the global leader of out-of-home interactive advertising, has teamed up with Limited Space, the leading supplier of media in premium UK shopping malls, to rollout their interactive technology in premium malls across the UK.
These interactive "billboards" will transform Limited Spaces' network of giant digital sites into cutting edge dynamic displays that offer clients endless possibilities, such as: gestural interaction, multi-touch interaction, augmented reality and mobile phone interaction where your mobile actually controls the ad.
"We are thrilled to have a long-term, exclusive contract with Limited Space and are looking forward to placing our interactive technology in their malls throughout the UK," said David McKie, managing director of Monster Media UK. "Monster Media already has a strong presence in upscale malls throughout the globe and this new partnership is a natural and major step in our strategy to aggressively expand our presence throughout the UK."
McKie says they will be installing their one-of-a-kind engaging displays in the 15 flagship malls within the Limited Space network, including: The Bullring, The Metro Centre, Cabot Circus, Highcross and Bluewater.
"We were looking for an out-of-home partner that is constantly reinventing themselves and pushing the envelope, and that is what pulled us strongly towards Monster Media," said Matt Gordon, owner of Limited Space. "We are both the leaders in our respective fields and I have no doubt that this partnership will increase the effectiveness and success of both companies."
Recent Limited Space campaigns include: BMW, THQ, Paramount, P&G, Cadburys, Sega, Adidas, Peugeot, Orange and T-Mobile.
Monster Media's current client list includes: Microsoft, Nintendo, Warner Bros Films, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Coca-Cola, YouTube, Anheuser Busch, McDonalds, Kraft, CoverGirl and many more.
Monster Media's UK operation is based in Queens Park, London, but also has roots around the globe including: US, UK, Canada, Europe and South Africa.
About the company:
Monster Media remains the leader of advertising that responds to consumers' body movements and storefront domination programs. Their ability to deliver quality programs and customer service has allowed them to expand their presence across the globe with network applications including: storefront dominations, mass transit, airports, sport and entertainment venues and custom events. Since its inception in 2003, Monster Media has executed nearly 300 storefront ads globally and worked with clients such as HBO, Lexus, Target, Microsoft, MTV and Timberland to bring their messages to life. All campaigns are monitored and maintained around the clock by Monster Media. For more information on Monster Media, please go to: www.monstermedia.net.
Iron Man 2 -looking foward by looking back.
Not new, (came out in April), but it's a slow news day, but we haven't at least glossed over it, so we'll give the Iron Man 2 AR a little love. Hopefully, you've seen the movie, so the visuals will make sense.This is less about the product and more about the art of it all.
Take this video, for example. While the augmented helmet is a fun little app, take a thoughtful look at the 'heads up' simulation:
Although it's "just" high budget viral marketing, (like Stark Expo 2010 ), some of the visuals presented represent a pretty solid artistic view of augmented reality, as it may (eventually) be incorporated. Give me a pair of Vuzix Wrap920AR's, and a HUD app like that, and I'll be a happy witch. But the vision extends past the theoretical product, and even visualizes the theoretical advertising. Take thes (fake) ads, for example, (and tell me the 'cordco' tab doesn't smack of TED talks) :
Tell me you won't see advertising like this, one AR becomes "mainstream" for the masses. You betcha, you will. Even though it's all fictional at the moment, ( remember, 'men on the moon' was once fictional), I think the visual representation, (of the visual representation) may be a driving factor. Like the oft-mentioned "minority report interface", which has become more real HERE and HERE, or like the Old Star Trek Tri-corders (iPhone, anyone?), the fictional tech of yesterday becomes the 'everyday' tech of tommorow.
Although I doubt we'll have flying combat suits anytime soon, the slicker, data-rich augmented reality views of IronMan 2 are much more feasible, and honestly quite appealing.
And be sure to check out the LG Iron Man app site. for the LG Ally and it's Android 2.1 apps
Let's not forget to put the art in AR.
Go, and see.
Take this video, for example. While the augmented helmet is a fun little app, take a thoughtful look at the 'heads up' simulation:
Although it's "just" high budget viral marketing, (like Stark Expo 2010 ), some of the visuals presented represent a pretty solid artistic view of augmented reality, as it may (eventually) be incorporated. Give me a pair of Vuzix Wrap920AR's, and a HUD app like that, and I'll be a happy witch. But the vision extends past the theoretical product, and even visualizes the theoretical advertising. Take thes (fake) ads, for example, (and tell me the 'cordco' tab doesn't smack of TED talks) :
Tell me you won't see advertising like this, one AR becomes "mainstream" for the masses. You betcha, you will. Even though it's all fictional at the moment, ( remember, 'men on the moon' was once fictional), I think the visual representation, (of the visual representation) may be a driving factor. Like the oft-mentioned "minority report interface", which has become more real HERE and HERE, or like the Old Star Trek Tri-corders (iPhone, anyone?), the fictional tech of yesterday becomes the 'everyday' tech of tommorow.
Although I doubt we'll have flying combat suits anytime soon, the slicker, data-rich augmented reality views of IronMan 2 are much more feasible, and honestly quite appealing.
And be sure to check out the LG Iron Man app site. for the LG Ally and it's Android 2.1 apps
(video, courtesy Total Immersion/ D'Fusion)
Let's not forget to put the art in AR.
Go, and see.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Total Immersion-HIRING

We are currently looking for Los Angeles-based Contractor engineers who are proficient in C++, Java, or Lua scripting to learn additional skills in our proprietary software platform (D’Fusion) in order to perform contract work for Total Immersion.
We will pay to train experienced C++, Java, or Lua programmers for 2 days on our exciting AR technology. The pay rate for the two-day training will be $100/day. The training will take place on Tuesday, August 17th and Wednesday, August 18th.
Once trained, TI services team will identify opportunities for you to work on-site on specific projects on a Contractor basis. Salary DOE.
The ideal candidate will:
- Have 1-3 years of game developer experience preferred.
- Have experience with 3D and 2D (preferred.)
- Have experience with Lua, C++ or Java. Ogre experience also a plus.
- Understanding of real time video formats and aspect ratios
- Work with Design and Engineering team to create the best solutions to quickly integrate our software on the customer end.
- React to design changes quickly with support for new or changed features.
****CANDIDATE MUST BE AVAILABLE TO ATTEND TRAINING ON Tuesday, August 17th and Wednesday, August 18th IN LOS ANGELES in order to be considered for the position.
If interested, please submit your resume and cover letter to melissa.mcmanigal@t-immersion.com
Parrot AR drone now for pre-order.
For those who have been haven't been following, the Parrot AR Drone quadricopter, a wi-fi controlled flying vehicle with multiple cameras is now available for pre-order via Brookstone. ($300)
Normally, this kind of device would fall more into the 'telepresence' category, but it does have augmented reality features, in the form of AR games.
Here's a smaple of the Augmented Gaming:
Want to see how cluttered you gutters are? Now you can, without the ladder. This thing has as much tech as a new smartphone. Accelerometers, gyrometers, *2* cameras, sonar, and an ARM9 processor.
It's a "fun" little device, that you can control with your iPhone , iPod Touch, or iPad. And it's a helluvalot less expensive than buying a Draganfly. And you can co-op with multiple players.
Don't have the $300? You can try to win one (until 31 December 2010 ), at the uber-slick Pilot Test site.
Either way, you'll be seeing these around. SkyNet, anyone?
Go, and see.
Normally, this kind of device would fall more into the 'telepresence' category, but it does have augmented reality features, in the form of AR games.
Here's a smaple of the Augmented Gaming:
Want to see how cluttered you gutters are? Now you can, without the ladder. This thing has as much tech as a new smartphone. Accelerometers, gyrometers, *2* cameras, sonar, and an ARM9 processor.
It's a "fun" little device, that you can control with your iPhone , iPod Touch, or iPad. And it's a helluvalot less expensive than buying a Draganfly. And you can co-op with multiple players.
Don't have the $300? You can try to win one (until 31 December 2010 ), at the uber-slick Pilot Test site.
Either way, you'll be seeing these around. SkyNet, anyone?
Go, and see.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Scrying Game- July, 2010
Well, I haven't used any "witchy magic" metaphors, lately, so I figured I'd throw it in for what will be the first of a monthy review of "The State of Consumer Ready" Augmented Reality. It's not based on any hard-numbers, (although c0dehex does have a Pro Analyst on the team...more later). It's based of web developments over the past 30 days.
Yes, I know the first "30 day" review dates back further than this tender young blog, but we have to start somewhere, right?
Based on July's articles, here's the list of who/what to keep an eye on. There's plenty of "movers and shakers", but these are the ones that stand out.
Tech Trend:Tagless AR. Sigh, although we'll see QR codes, and proprietary ARTags, the future belongs to tagless. If anything, for a while, products will continue to use ar tags to alert users about ar content, or QR code their web address of download URL, we'll (overall) see less black-and white MRC, and more picture based AR.
The Big Dog : Total Immersion

Total Immersion, with their D'Fusion technology, proven consumer-ready marketplace products, tagless ar, and impressive client list, are sitting at the top..at least for the moment. Having experienced their Avatar iTag and 7-Eleven/WWE augmented Rey Mysterio mask firsthand. I can firmly state that TI, if they keep their momentum, will stay on top for the forseeable future.
"The" Browser/ Techs: Layar
The Layar Browser has become almost the "default" ar browser.
With it's ever expanding apps and implementation , Layar is firmly planted, providing intuitive user experiences.
Hottest contender: Metaio. Utilizing Junaio Glue, this tagless tech , if embraced could become "the adobe flash" of ar browsers. Even Adobe has big news, but imo, they're arriving to the party, a bit late.
Most Augmented Country: The U.K.
Yup. Home of tea and crumpets. Maybe it's all the rain, that keeps them indoors, coding a rainless augmented reality. Recent Augmented Reality for the United Kingdom include Cassette Playa's AR fashion show, Conspiracy for Good, and Museum of London's StreetMuseum, ( to name a few)
Smartphone Wars: Droid X.
Yup, giving this one to Droid, atm. (no blatant favoritism, here). With the iPhone's market dominance you'd think this one would be easy, but their recent bungles,and Droid X's recent sellout, I'm leaning towards droid, and the growing droid market, for both phones and apps.
Hottest contender : Samsung Galaxy S. The Force is strong, in this one.
"WOW Item of the month: Toxin Labs Augmented Business Cards.
This was a tough call. A lot of "New", "now" and "wow" to cover, so it's about lasting impressions, and I think out of all that came this way, the AR business cards are the one that sit on top of my "Wow, *have* to get one of those" list.
Where do we go from here? Time is the revealer of all truths.
Go, and see.
Yes, I know the first "30 day" review dates back further than this tender young blog, but we have to start somewhere, right?
Based on July's articles, here's the list of who/what to keep an eye on. There's plenty of "movers and shakers", but these are the ones that stand out.
Tech Trend:Tagless AR. Sigh, although we'll see QR codes, and proprietary ARTags, the future belongs to tagless. If anything, for a while, products will continue to use ar tags to alert users about ar content, or QR code their web address of download URL, we'll (overall) see less black-and white MRC, and more picture based AR.
The Big Dog : Total Immersion

Total Immersion, with their D'Fusion technology, proven consumer-ready marketplace products, tagless ar, and impressive client list, are sitting at the top..at least for the moment. Having experienced their Avatar iTag and 7-Eleven/WWE augmented Rey Mysterio mask firsthand. I can firmly state that TI, if they keep their momentum, will stay on top for the forseeable future.
"The" Browser/ Techs: Layar
The Layar Browser has become almost the "default" ar browser.
With it's ever expanding apps and implementation , Layar is firmly planted, providing intuitive user experiences.
Hottest contender: Metaio. Utilizing Junaio Glue, this tagless tech , if embraced could become "the adobe flash" of ar browsers. Even Adobe has big news, but imo, they're arriving to the party, a bit late.
Most Augmented Country: The U.K.
Yup. Home of tea and crumpets. Maybe it's all the rain, that keeps them indoors, coding a rainless augmented reality. Recent Augmented Reality for the United Kingdom include Cassette Playa's AR fashion show, Conspiracy for Good, and Museum of London's StreetMuseum, ( to name a few)
Smartphone Wars: Droid X.
Yup, giving this one to Droid, atm. (no blatant favoritism, here). With the iPhone's market dominance you'd think this one would be easy, but their recent bungles,and Droid X's recent sellout, I'm leaning towards droid, and the growing droid market, for both phones and apps.
Hottest contender : Samsung Galaxy S. The Force is strong, in this one.
"WOW Item of the month: Toxin Labs Augmented Business Cards.
This was a tough call. A lot of "New", "now" and "wow" to cover, so it's about lasting impressions, and I think out of all that came this way, the AR business cards are the one that sit on top of my "Wow, *have* to get one of those" list.
Where do we go from here? Time is the revealer of all truths.
Go, and see.
Deadliest Catch, Discovery Channel AR .
Discovery Channel has a new print ad game, powered by Total Immersion's D'Fusion. This game is to help promote the season finale of Deadliest Catch, a reality show chronicling several Alaskan crab fishing ships in their dangerous annual harvest.
Using just the tagless print ad (found in varied magazines), users navigate the "Big Catch" vessel through the waves, trying to catch 20 pots in 2 minutes. All user control is from rotating/tilting the print ad. .
Go, and see.
Using just the tagless print ad (found in varied magazines), users navigate the "Big Catch" vessel through the waves, trying to catch 20 pots in 2 minutes. All user control is from rotating/tilting the print ad. .
Go, and see.
Augmented Reality,
Total Immersion
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Audi "carless" (AR) Car calendar. (video)
This news isn't "uber fresh", but worth passing along., I've read about this, but couldn't find anything "re-broadcast worthy", until now. The Audi Augmented Reality car calendar...in video. We all know car enthusiasts *love* their particular brands, right? You can always find a car calendar somewhere, but not like this one. Audi has taken the next step: A car calendar without cars.
To view the cars, you download an iPhone app, and hold it up to the background images, and the Audi(s) come to life.
Now, how practical is this? Are you really going to fire up your smartphone, everytime you want to check the calendar? Probably not. But for an AR enthusiast, or an Audi enthusiast, this will definitely be a historic collector's item.
Just a little something to while away your time.
Go, and see.
To view the cars, you download an iPhone app, and hold it up to the background images, and the Audi(s) come to life.
Now, how practical is this? Are you really going to fire up your smartphone, everytime you want to check the calendar? Probably not. But for an AR enthusiast, or an Audi enthusiast, this will definitely be a historic collector's item.
Just a little something to while away your time.
Go, and see.
Everything is bigger in....Brazil?!?
This is just plain cool. With augmented reality, the size of an object is not restricted by the conventional laws of physics. No worries about mass, gravity, aerodynamics, ect. You can make an object as big (or small) as you like. Want a dragon in the palm of your hand? No problem. Want something a little bigger? We can do that, too. Well, here's a shot, from a helicopter, of Brazil. I have never been to Brazil. I have friends that have. I hear it's nice. Now, thanks to AR, I've seen things that they haven't. Take a look:
Just another beautiful day in Brazil.
But wait! "One of these things is not like the other". Can you find it? I couldn't.
Yeah, the entire building does not exist. It's augmented.
Don't believe me? I don't blame you. Check this out:
The Fibrasa Connection was recently awarded Guiness World Record status for world's largest augmented reality marker. Viva, Brazil! This is a visualization system for urban planning, helping to visualize the "finished product" before ground is even broken.
source: bdonline.co.uk
source: bdonline.co.uk
Go, and see.
Monday, July 26, 2010
AR is Mysterio...us?
As part of the ongoing Slurpee nation , 7 Eleven has new WWE branded cups, which, when bought, can be redeemed for points. If that's all there was to it, we wouldn't cover it here, right? Right. So, there's got to be an AR catch in there, somewhere.
And there is: an augmented reality download, (tagless) , powered by Total Immersion's d'fusion . It works really good, tracking your face, via your webcam, and overlays a Rey Mysterio mask, keeping track of your head movements.
Go, and see.
And there is: an augmented reality download, (tagless) , powered by Total Immersion's d'fusion . It works really good, tracking your face, via your webcam, and overlays a Rey Mysterio mask, keeping track of your head movements.
The download costs 5 "points" (which is equivalent to a single cup purchase)
I've tried it, and it works good, (an no, I'm not posting pics. Just trust me, it works well.)
It's fun, inexpensive, and a great expos'e on ar. Go try it!Go, and see.
The One that got away...CATCH.

Recently, the Nova Scotia Seafood Festival came up with an interactive, Augmented Reality promo for their annual expo on local seafood and culinary trends. Their AR contest featured a cute fish avatar that appeared on the user's screen, encouraging participation , and pointing them not only to the event itself, but the event's facebook page. According to the event's youtube video, the AR "instant win" promo helped garner loads of new visitors, and I have no problem believing that. Brand exposure was pervasive, without (imo) being intrusive. I know I'll remember it, and that's the sign of a good ad.Here's the vid from the event:
I never thought I'd think a fish would be 'cute', but there you go.
Go, and see.
Time Out New York’s Augmented Reality Cover Kid's Mag
TimeOut New York Kids, a magazine targeting the younger demographic, has launched it's own AR-augmented magazine cover (in the same fashion as the Esquire AR).The AR uses the Juniao Browser to connect you with a video of the Webby Award winning PS22 Chorus.
It's a great way to add a bit extra to print media. Kinda makes me want to sing, too. But that is something I'll spare you from. ;)
If you want to try it yourself, you can download the cover art HERE.
Go, and see.
It's a great way to add a bit extra to print media. Kinda makes me want to sing, too. But that is something I'll spare you from. ;)
If you want to try it yourself, you can download the cover art HERE.
Go, and see.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Augmented Business Cards, nicely done.
We've seen some early AR business cards in the past, but I just stumbled across this one, and was left *very* impressed:
(You can check out the Development log HERE)
From augmentedbusinesscards.net
In my humble opinion, this is how AR business cards should be done. Interactive, very slick, very professional, and very data-rich. You can use the card to launch contact via top social media sites, like Twitter.
Go, and see.
(You can check out the Development log HERE)
From augmentedbusinesscards.net
In my humble opinion, this is how AR business cards should be done. Interactive, very slick, very professional, and very data-rich. You can use the card to launch contact via top social media sites, like Twitter.
Go, and see.
Up from the depths...Godzilla!
...of ComiCon, this neat new Godzilla shirt, complete with AR tag. Yup, AR as fashion:
Notice the design of the AR tag? It seem that Legendary Pictures is working on a new Godzilla movie. Talking Dog Studios had a hand in this shirt , and the active element of the shirt looks like this:
If you're not at ComiCon, but still want to experience the shirt, you can download the picture HERE, and demo it HERE.
Go, and see.
Notice the design of the AR tag? It seem that Legendary Pictures is working on a new Godzilla movie. Talking Dog Studios had a hand in this shirt , and the active element of the shirt looks like this:
If you're not at ComiCon, but still want to experience the shirt, you can download the picture HERE, and demo it HERE.
Go, and see.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Advertising as a game metaphor
British Telecom company "o2" has released a free augmented reality app to increase it's brand awareness , following in the wake of it's Facebook game. These "niggles" are all broadband connectivity issues, personified. (Think Saatchi for Denno Coil) .
Remember, all these Seuss-like creatures are anthropomorphic representations of all the technical (and human) issues we deal with in our dail connectivity.
"Niggles are all around you. They're where you live, where you work, they're on the streets, in the parks, they're everywhere you go. By downloading the free augmented reality iPhone app, the first app of its kind, you can help O2 nobble broadband niggles wherever you are."
The iPhone game completely immerses the player in a fun, unique and unexpected way. Using the phone compass and GPS we could plot the players postion. Then when they held up their phone they could see the niggles lurking around them Augmented Reality using the phones camera. "
The AR app lets you roam around (the U.K.), interracting with these whimsical characters.
And here's the app "in play":
It seems to me that the U.K. is fast becoming the "Tokyo of Augmented Reality". More often than not, "if it's ar, it can be traced to the U.K.". Hear that, "other countries"? Step up your game.
go, and see.
Remember, all these Seuss-like creatures are anthropomorphic representations of all the technical (and human) issues we deal with in our dail connectivity.
"Niggles are all around you. They're where you live, where you work, they're on the streets, in the parks, they're everywhere you go. By downloading the free augmented reality iPhone app, the first app of its kind, you can help O2 nobble broadband niggles wherever you are."
The iPhone game completely immerses the player in a fun, unique and unexpected way. Using the phone compass and GPS we could plot the players postion. Then when they held up their phone they could see the niggles lurking around them Augmented Reality using the phones camera. "
The AR app lets you roam around (the U.K.), interracting with these whimsical characters.
And here's the app "in play":
It seems to me that the U.K. is fast becoming the "Tokyo of Augmented Reality". More often than not, "if it's ar, it can be traced to the U.K.". Hear that, "other countries"? Step up your game.
go, and see.
Augmented Reality,
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